Home Away From Home

Food Items


Treat yourself to a unique experience every month (or how often you choose) to our subscription boxes filled with all the essential food items you might be missing from home! Here in The Netherlands, we know how challenging it might be to get all these food items readily available, accessible and stress-free without breaking the bank. This is why we have created these boxes filled with your favourite Nigerian and African food items and have them readily delivered to your doorstep every month. Winnie, the entrepreneur behind myfoodstuff.nl is a Nigerian who has lived in The Netherlands for over 6 years. She found it difficult to access Nigerian food produce and became passionate about bringing a solution to this challenge. In her own words, "Living in an area where I would have to travel kilometres just to access basic Nigerian food items needed by my household and sometimes not finding what I need made me think this must be a problem worth solving". Apart from our nicely curated food boxes, we offer the options to add items you prefer and also selected monthly suggestions or requests from our subscribers are included in the upcoming boxes for each month.
“We moved to a new house and it was incredibly difficult to find my usual food items, I am happy I found myfoodstuff.nl now, I can have everything delivered monthly!.”
“Before, after spending a lot, I had to carry all my heavy groceries including Yam tubers and Garri home. Now, I just wait for my box of food items with everything I need delivered to my doorstep ”

What you can expect


Your favourite food items at your convenience.
Hello there! I am Winifred Ereku Ohaneje, an entrepreneur and researcher in the Agricultural business field and I am excited to welcome you on board.

Subscribe to a Food Box

More products will be added to our web shop. Subscribe and get premium access to all our products and services

Do you have any questions?

Then you can reach us on: Hello@myfoodstuff.nl